Jonny B Enterprises Inc.

Jonny B Enterprises Inc. prides itself on quality service.

All JBE sound systems utilize ElectroVoice speakers such as our state of the art x-array system.

Call JonnyB for your next:

  • Concert
  • Convention
  • Fair
  • Festival
  • Fundraiser
  • Or any situation where quality audio, lighting, staging and people are needed to make your event a success!


We also have a wide range of analog mixing consoles such as our PM4000 and the latest digital consoles like our Yamaha M7CL and the highly requested Avid Venue SC48.

JBE Concert Rig


The JBE Concert Rig comes with a James Thomas 32′ deep x 42′ wide roof with 120k of lighting integral to the trussing.

JBE Concert Rig


For larger acts or when coverage is needed for guitar and monitor worlds, 10′ extensions can be added to the sides making the total roof coverage 60 feet!

Jon McDowell

Hundreds of bar bands around the States are looking for a few things — a singer that can captivate an audience, a guitar player who can play quieter than 110 dB and a rhythm section that can hold the whole thing together. Jon McDowell, known to his friends around Rockford, Ill., as Jonny B…

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